Sacred Circle 2023

The Sacred Circle recognizes donors who give cumulative gifts of $100 or more each year. By becoming a member of this special society, you will help provide the education that gives Native American children the hope for a better, brighter future and leads to a life full of promise. Please join today.

Your gift of $100 or more entitles you to:

  • A personalized Certificate of Appreciation
  • A beautiful calendar magnet that you can proudly display

As a Benefactor, you’ll receive:

  • A personalized Certificate of Appreciation
  • A multipurpose commemorative plate

Friends of St. Labre are rewarded with:

  • A personalized Certificate of Appreciation
  • A special commemorative coffee mug

As a Helper, you will receive:

  • A personalized Certificate of Appreciation
  • This exquisite MouseRug and CoasterRug set was created using St. Labre Student Artwork

Your outstanding leadership is
recognized with:

  • A personalized Certificate of
  • PlaceRug set of 4 – dimensions – approximate finished size: 12″ x 18″ (including fringe) and .16″ thick.