Our Ambition

Proud, Prosperous and Free.
We will build a generation that is Proud, Prosperous and Free. Proud of their  heritage, culture and traditions. Spiritually and economically thriving. And free from the limitations that have held our children back for so long.

Our Mission

To proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Catholic Tradition by providing quality education which celebrates our Catholic faith and embraces Native American cultures, primarily the Northern Cheyenne and Crow Tribes, so that Native American individuals and communities of Southeastern Montana are empowered to attain self-sufficiency.

Our Vision

Educating for life.

Our Values

Respect.We recognize the sacred worth and dignity of each person. We, therefore, treat individuals – their families and various communities – with profound respect and utmost regard.

Excellence. Doing what we do in the very best way possible.

Integrity. Honesty and uprightness of character.

Stewardship. Care for all of God’s creation; use our resources responsibly.

Spirituality. Awareness of relationships with God, nature, art, music, family, and community allows us to experience life to the fullest.

Justice. Create and sustain right relationships in everything we do – in our worship, work, and play.