St. Labre Indian School accepts matching funds from all companies that participate with their employees to support charitable organizations through monetary donations.

When you make a donation to St. Labre Indian School, check with your company’s human resources department to see if a matching gifts program is offered. If offered, please obtain a form from your company to complete and send to St. Labre for verification.

Some companies double or even triple their employee’s donations to St. Labre Indian School, so don’t forget to check with your employer!

With your help, we can “Keep the Miracle Alive” for the nearly 750 Native American children that we serve at St. Labre Indian School, St. Charles Mission School, and Pretty Eagle Academy.

Our mission would not be possible without friends like you, and we thank you for your interest in our work.

Questions about matching funds? Contact us at:

St. Labre Indian School
Ashland, MT 59004-1001